Monday, November 3, 2014

Unit 6: 我爱我的家。(wǒ ài wǒ de jiā)


The link above is a video that reviews this vocabulary in sentences saying "I love my mom/brother/dad . . ." It is only a minute long, and the YouTube channel has many more helpful videos!


A: Who is he? à Tā shì shéi? à 他是

B: He is my dad. I love my dad. à Tā shì wǒ de bà ba. Wǒ ài wǒ de bà ba. à 他是我的爸爸。我我的爸爸。

A: Who is she? à Tā shī shēi? à 她是

B: She is my mom. I love my mom. àTā shì wǒ de māma. Wǒ ài wǒ de māma. à 她是我的妈妈。我我的妈妈

A: Is he or is he not your little brother? à Tā shì bú shì nǐ de dìdi?à 他是不是你弟弟?

B: Yes, he is my little brother. à Shì, tā shì wǒ de dì di. à是,他是我的弟弟。

A: Is she or is she not your older sister? à Tā shì bú shì wǒ de jiě jie? à她是不是姐姐?

B: No, she is not my older sister. She is my little sister. à bú shì, tā bú shì wǒ de jiě jie. Tā shì wǒ de mèi mei. à不是, 她不是我的姐姐。她是我的妹妹。

A: How many people are in your family? à Nǐ jiā yǒu jǐ gè rén? à你家有几个人?

B: My family has 5 people: dad, mom, older brother, older sister, and I. à Wǒ jiā yǒu wǔ gè rén: bà ba, mā ma, gè ge, jiě jie, hé wǒ. à我家有五个人:爸爸, 妈妈, 哥哥, 姐姐, 和我。


In order to slow down the Chinese population's growth rate, the government implemented a one-child policy that restricts families to, as the name states, one child. The government has been promoting birth control and family planning ever since. This has led to much debate and controversy, along with worsening the extremely imbalanced gender ratio. More information on the policy can be found in this encyclopedia article:

Additionally, this article offers a view on the growing problems surrounding the one child issue.

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